

Rabies is the most commonly cited disease associated with raccoons. Raccoon Roundworm is cause by contact with infected raccoon feces, which can pass the sticky and durable eggs to humans. Contracting this disease occurs by accidental ingestion or inhalation of the eggs. Infection of humans can lead to larval parasite migration to the central nervous system. Giardia lamblia is a protozoan causing diarrhea associated with ingesting food or water contaminated by raccoon excrement. Trypanosoma cruzi is associated with raccoon excrement as are Rickettsia rickettsii, Leptospirosis, and Salmonella.


The most famous zoonotic disease in human history is the bubonic plague, or “Black Death” of the middle ages. This disease is still present today throughout the world, though far less common. Over thirty different types of diseases are associated with rodents and their droppings. Some of these diseases include, Rat-bite fever, Rickettsia virus and Eosinophilic Meningitis. Rats and mice are known to cause structural damage to homes, apartments and offices. They gnaw through walls, wires, insulation or just about anything they determine as useful in building their nests.


Like all animals, squirrels can carry parasites, they leave behind excrement, and may leave behind both in your attic. Squirrels cause damage to your home when in search of warmth during cold times of the year. They tend to find their way into attics, chimneys, soffits and eaves. Although not aggressive, they can also cause damage to the interior of your home by chewing furniture and electrical wires.


Opossums have a spectacular immune system, and a lower than average body temperature. This means that they don’t carry a whole lot of the standard zoonotic diseases that other animals might carry. Although an opossum might contract rabies, it’s very unlikely. However, opossums do often carry fleas and other parasites which can potentially transmit diseases. Opossums can find their way into your home and leave droppings that can contaminate the area and pose health risks such as Salmonella.


Interestingly, armadillos can transmit leprosy (Hansen’s disease) to humans. Many wild armadillos have been known to be infected with the bacterium that causes leprosy. This is caused by armadillos lower than average body temperature, at which leprosy thrives. Luckily, leprosy can only be contracted through excess handling or by eating armadillo meat.


Birds such as pigeons can carry several parasites and mites, but the most common disease associated with urban pigeons is histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is a fungal disease that humans can get by breathing in fungal spores that grow on pigeon droppings. Pigeons living in building and attics leave a great quantity of droppings which result in an airborne health hazard. Other fungal diseases associated with pigeon droppings include Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis.


Most people associate snake venom with diseases, but even a non-venomous snake can cause bacterial infection via its seemingly harmless bite. All snakes can carry the Salmonella species of bacteria. Contact with snakes has been directly implicated in human Salmonella outbreaks. Snakes typically exhibit no signs of illness themselves.

24/7 means 24/7! Any time you need Alpha Trapping Inc. our expertise will be there to assess your situation. We specialize in humane, animal trapping, removal and relocation whenever your need arises.

Emergency Services:

  • Dead animal removal
  • Deadly reptiles

Dead animals STINK! Let Alpha Trapping Inc. safely remove, dispose of, and disinfect your home when you smell a rotting animal. A myriad of diseases caused by decomposition can pose a health risk to you and your family if not properly treated. In addition, fleas, ticks, mites and flies are attracted by the carcass which carry their own diseases.